Little Angel's Journey

Friday, August 1, 2008

Anmum Materna - for pregnant women

Mum introduced her friend, Angie to me. Mum told me she should be able to give me plenty of good advice as she is someone who "ate quality, and not quantity".

Angie told me to start drinking Anmum Materna - for pregnant women, even though I am only at the stage of "trying to concieve". This is because Anmum has many nutrients (such as folate/folic asid, calcium & iron) to help make my body strong and healthy.

I listened to her advice and went over to Tesco, but it was out-of-stock. Drove to Sunshine Square and saw it! However, it was in a bigger pack of 900g and it costs RM41.80. (Angie told me it was only RM36 7 mths ago)! Arggh..inflation!

I initially wanted to try a smaller tin as I was unsure if I can consume milk in powder form. It has been more than 15 yrs since i last drank milk in powder form. I usually take fresh milk - cold!

So i bought the original flavour and not chocolate flavour (although i love chocolate) because there are reviews saying that chocolate flavour has cocoa powder which means lesser nutrient contents. I don't know how true it is but whatever is best for my future bundle of joy will be my choice!

Now I am going to get used to not only taking milk in powder form, but to have it hot as well!
Well, for my future bundle of joy, i am going to do it!


Shu-Min said...

u can do it mrs peter lim! haha

Anonymous said...

Hi just wanna ask where can I buy anmum milk? thanks

tanshuyin said...

hie anonymous...where are u from? I am from Penang. In Penang, you can usually get the Anmum Materna milk in any major supermarket/hypermarkets such as Cold Storage, Tesco, Giant, Jusco, etc.
Or you can get it in most pharmacies.