Peter & I both signed up for the
Island Hospital Antenatal Class. The classes will be conducted on Saturdays from 2.30 PM to 5.00 PM starting from last Saturday.
We went there with an open mind. I was feeling kind of excited to see what was in store for us.
We were greeted upon reaching the training/conference room and was told to register. Expecting mothers were given a goodybag each. Peter & I then went into the conference room and there was already a video showing on the projector on 'how to give your baby a massage'. The video is for those who came early so that they have something to watch and not sit there and do nothing.
The whole thing was very well organized. The programme for the session was also being displayed on the board....stating down the speakers and all their various topics.
I was especially interested in the 'Pain Relief in Labour' and 'Nutrition for Two'. I asked many questions on these 2 topics. Some of the questions I asked:
'Pain Relief in Labour'
- What are the side effects of epidural?
- Can we still feel the sensation to push if we opt for epidural?
- What are the charges?
'Nutrition for Two'
- Is liver a real no-no?
- What to avoid eating when we are breastfeeding? Is herbal tonic, ginger and sesame oil really OK?
They also showed us a few video clips on the labour and delivery process. They also showed the episiotomy procedure (a surgical incision through the
perineum made to enlarge the vagina and assist childbirth). It is especially good for Peter who has no idea what it is like (because he doesn't read as many pregnancy and baby books as me!).
Breaktime is the highlight for Peter. They prepared lots of good and nutritional snacks. They have cheeese sandwiches, sardine sandwiches, a variety of fruits, fried mee, chicken, muffins, yakult and chilled milo. I drank 3 yakults!
I am looking forward to next week's 2nd session!